At Desert Haven Animal Refuge, we ensure that our Dogtown residents receive exercise and fun time each day, together with their favorite fur-buddies. Our seasonal volunteer, Michael of ND, has been instrumental in designing and building our Playland Agility Course, for the enjoyment of the residents of Dogtown and the humans caring for them. Aside from the fun it generates for them, engaging our dogs in training with humans, also responding to positive interactions with us helps increase their adoptability. The results: happy dogs, willing volunteers, successful adoptions. These past few weeks, Michael designed and built several new pieces of agility equipment to add to the course. We now have new and effective ways to engage our pups in fun and useful activities. To all of you, past and present supporters, who contributed to the project either financially or physically, we thank you. Besides the monetary contributions from our friends from all over, much personal effort in designing, building, painting has been put into the project, which has become a major part of our furry resident’s training and fun activities. Indeed, our Playland Agility Course is one of our best assets, here at Desert Haven.

We continue to collect Bullocks receipts. We thank our animal loving friends who save them for us when they shop at the Bullocks Grocery store in TorC. When we redeem them in large quantities – thank you, Carla, for taking care of this tedious task – they convert into dollars for our 501-c-3 non-profit organization. Our SCHS & DHAR Bullocks Receipts collection boxes are located at the TorC Public Library (YES IT’S OPEN), the Williamsburg Post Office, and Paws & Claws Thrift Shoppe which is located next to the TorC Family Dollar. Our Thrift Shoppe is open from 11:00-5:00 every Friday and Saturday. It all adds up. Thank you!

A big thank you is in order for a generous local businessman, Carl, who recently donated several full boxes of high quality and premium canned dog food for the residents of Dogtown.

This week’s wish list: Kitty Litter. Contact us at or 575-894-2639. Our mailing address is: SCHS & Desert Haven Animal Refuge, PO BOX 638, Williamsburg, NM 87942. Chat with us at and  Visit us at to click on our donate button if you’d like to make a contribution via Paypal. Together, we make a difference.  

Eliana Aubin

Red chihuahua dog with post envelope and icon e-male isolated


PO Box 638
Williamsburg, NM 87942

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