This week at Sierra County Humane Society, we are reflecting on one of our most popular programs offered to residents of Sierra County: Spay-Neuter. This effective program offers eligible community members a discount toward sterilization surgery for an owned pet.

For over thirty one years now, we have made it an integral part of our mission to do what we can as an animal welfare organization, to help control, through our spay-neuter program, the unwanted pet population in our corner of the Desert Southwest. We are grateful to all our animal loving friends who make a point to donate toward this life-saving program. Their financial support helps keep it solvent to assist those that truly cannot pay the whole vet bill on their own. Our Spay-Neuter program is specifically designed for people who need the extra financial help. Our non-profit organization does not receive funds from the government, local or otherwise, so every amount spent on this program has been donated by supporters of our cause and earned by our resourceful volunteers in one way or another. Thus, we must be careful stewards of this money, only using it for the truly needy. From the President of the organization to the Kitty Cuddlers and Dog Walkers and the helpers at Paws & Claws Thrift Shoppe, everyone is a volunteer. Thank you to everyone who helps us keep this crucial program solvent through your financial support.

When you shop at Bullocks grocery store, and you save your receipts for our organization, you help fund our sterilization program. The management of our community minded store donates $2 for every thousand dollars tallied. Thank you, Carla, for picking up and tallying all the Bullocks receipts that we receive, either by mail or in our donations boxes.  And thank you, Jeri, for recently sending an envelope full of  Bullocks receipts to us at SCHS & Desert Haven Animal Refuge, PO BOX 638, Williamsburg, NM 87942.

This week’s Wish List: Kitty Cuddlers and Dog Walkers. Please contact us at or 575-894-2639 if you would like to discuss volunteering as either a Kitty Cuddler or a Dog Walker. Volunteering can be as little as one hour weekly so don’t hesitate to reach out. We need your help this summer. Chat with us at  Visit us at to click on our donate button if you’d like to make a contribution via Paypal. Together, we make a difference.     


Red chihuahua dog with post envelope and icon e-male isolated


PO Box 638
Williamsburg, NM 87942

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