This week our animal welfare team is grateful, as always, for volunteers and work campers that go the extra mile for our little residents of Dogtown and the Cool Cat Neighborhood.

Each volunteer and work camper who signs on to support our companion animals does so during an assigned shift of time. Once their shift is over, it is not uncommon to see a work camper giving some of their own personal time to one of our little ones. For example, recently, Linda of TX gave Thor, one of our furry residents, a ride in her truck to explore the BLM land across from our small sanctuary grounds. Thor’s big beautiful smile could be seen miles away! This wonderful dog was happy to have personal attention and to have this fun new experience as well. Our long-term volunteer staff member Greta of MN enjoys hikes with Wiggles in the BLM. She enjoys the companionship he provides – also the protection – during her long hikes along the Rio Grande River. Lesia and Mark, also long term staff members, are currently fostering Amber, the sweet feline recently rescued from the City Shelter and found out to be pregnant at her initial Vet’s appt. Michael is a seasonal volunteer. This is his third Winter volunteering at the sanctuary.  He spends several hours each afternoon socializing and training our Dogtown residents.  Here at Desert Haven, everyone is focused on making a difference for companion animals in need.

Every evening during the Winter months, we bring our furry residents inside the insulated, warm building we call “The Inn at Dogtown”. Each night, we use portable heaters to keep the air temperature comfortable for our canines. Our felines also appreciate their 24/7 Feline Dorm, their very own heated room with their individual condos. Although all of us, Humans and animal alike, stayed warm this Winter, we are looking forward to Spring.

This week’s wish list: Kitty Litter – also Dog Walkers. All our dogs are given on-a-leash and off-leash exercise time every morning after breakfast. Become a volunteer dog walker today. Contact us at or 575-894-2639. Our mailing address is: SCHS & Desert Haven Animal Refuge, PO BOX 638, Williamsburg, NM 87942. Chat with us at and  Visit us at to click on our donate button to make a contribution via Paypal. Together, we make a difference. 

Red chihuahua dog with post envelope and icon e-male isolated


PO Box 638
Williamsburg, NM 87942

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