This past week has been full of energy at Desert Haven Animal Refuge. Because of the Covid Pandemic, appointments are required these days, even on Tuesdays, to schedule visits for adoption purposes.  Busy Tuesday indeed, as several of our Dogtown residents received a visit from folks interested in adopting them. Adoptions are taken very seriously here at Desert Haven. We ensure that each potential adopter receives all the information we have about the little ones they show interest in. This includes personality and habits. We also require some specific information about the potential adopters before any adoption is finalized. Our Adoption Coordinator Greta, together with our team of volunteers, choose from the list of applicants/visitors the best match possible.

Greta and Alan arrived at DHAR in late Summer 2019.  Aside from other tasks required of her as SCHS Admin Assistant, Greta handles the correspondence and finalization of all adoptions at DHAR.  She and Mark, DHAR Animal Care Coordinator (ACC), to whom we often refer as our “Dog Father”, regularly make the required pre-adoption visits together before any final decision is made.  Mark has resided at the Sanctuary for several years now. Over time, his furry family has grown to two dogs and two cats, all of them rescues. Lesia is from TX. Several years ago, she arrived at the sanctuary with a background in Wildlife Rehabilitation. A genuine animal lover, she is the go-to person whenever the question involves a feline resident.  Among her other tasks, Lesia handles our SCHS Spay-Neuter programs. Often assisted by ACC Mark, she also handles all appointments with and visits to our local veterinary clinic.

Working together as a team, Mark, Greta and Lesia are a true asset to the Sierra County Humane Society and Desert Haven. Together with our work-camping and local volunteer team, they help take in, care for, then adopt-out to the most carefully selected homes possible, all the lucky little residents at Desert Haven. Each and every one of them goes above and beyond in providing a loving environment, including consistent veterinary care for all our furry residents.  Thanks to all our supporters and volunteers, we can provide our fur-babies with large habitats, daily personal attention, walks and playtime, and high- quality food.

 This week’s wish list: canned cat and dog food. Our mailing address is: SCHS & Desert Haven Animal Refuge, PO BOX 638, Williamsburg, NM 87942. Chat with us at Contact us at or 575-894-1694. Visit us at to click on our donate button if you’d like to make a contribution via Paypal. Together, we make a difference. 

Red chihuahua dog with post envelope and icon e-male isolated


PO Box 638
Williamsburg, NM 87942

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