Daisy and Sandy


Hello dear friends far and wide! This week we are reflecting on the year as it is coming to a close. For so many of the residents of Sierra County, NM, this year has been one of untold hardships in the form of work and business stoppages and financial challenges. At our animal welfare organization, Sierra County Humane Society (SCHS), our dedicated team of volunteers has tried diligently to keep its focus on the companion animals that need us most: the lost, the abandoned, the unwanted. We have rescued animals out of the overcrowded City Shelter system. We have taken in dogs and cats that were being surrendered by families, often through no fault of their own, other times simply because they no longer wanted to care for them anymore, and the innocent animals had become a burden. Because of the generosity of our supporters, time and time again, we have been able to say YES to helping save a life — one life at a time. To all of you who have supported us this year, “THANK YOU”.

SCHS has no connection to organizations such as ASPCA, the Humane Society of the US, etc.  There is no ‘trickling down’ of funds to any little rescues from up above. All animal welfare organizations in our country operate solely on their own, so is ours, by the grace of your help. In this Season of Giving, please consider our dogs, puppies, cats, and kittens at Desert Haven Animal Refuge when choosing where to give. Our mailing address is: SCHS & Desert Haven Animal Refuge, PO BOX 638, Williamsburg, NM 87942. If you wish to make a contribution via Paypal, visit us at sierracountyhumanesociety.com. Our Donate Now button is easy to find on the top of the page in the gold bar.

We just mailed out our Annual Newsletter to our SCHS members and supporters. Once a year, we reach out to our animal loving friends to share the events of the year and what is on tap for the coming year. We continue to keep our membership fees the same as they have been for years – very affordable at $20/year. It warms our hearts to see so many renewing their Memberships with us. If you wish to become an integral part of our active organization, please get in touch with us at 575-894-2639, by email weR4pets@gmail.com or via website at https://dhanimalrescue.com/become-a-member/.
Together, we make a difference. 

Red chihuahua dog with post envelope and icon e-male isolated


PO Box 638
Williamsburg, NM 87942


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