This is Bianca. Bianca experienced an abandonment filled with heartache. One of our volunteers found her on our sanctuary grounds one day, left behind by someone who no longer wanted her.
As rescuers, this is the type of difficult challenge we are faced with day in and day out. Dogs and cats abandoned, unwanted, mistreated, abused, uncared for, unloved — left for others to help.
Well, help her we did! We took her in, gave her high quality food (donated by our wonderful supporters, thank you!), a safe space to live, a doggie friend to live with, and personal attention so she knew she mattered. We gave her a beautiful name to match her beautiful spirit (Bianca). We took her to our local veterinary partner for the healthcare she required and, once healthy, got Bianca a spay surgery.
Then, we set out to find her the family of her dreams.
We can only do all of this important heart-work because of the donations and financial contributions from our loyal and strong supporters. We are a non-profit receiving zero governmental dollars. We rely solely on the generosity of our supporters.
We need you now more than ever. People are being hit with hard times due to this pandemic. People are having to decide to keep their pets or not based on their own financial circumstances. We are the safety net for those unlucky companion animals. We need to keep our net open to catch them when they fall. We need you to continue our Work of Love in Progress!
Please consider a contribution today. Bianca’s life and happiness depended on our ability to care for her and open our safe sanctuary to her. 
Together, we make a difference for dogs just like our little Bianca.
Red chihuahua dog with post envelope and icon e-male isolated


PO Box 638
Williamsburg, NM 87942

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