Desert Haven Animal Refuge was full of activities this week. With work campers Ralph and Kim just settled at the sanctuary, the team is now complete for many months to come. This week, with every member on board, teamwork is on our minds. There are many cogs in the wheel of rescue and each one needs to spin in sync with the other to keep the entire operation running smoothly. When we all work together, good things happen – from our volunteers who keep our furry residents physically and emotionally well cared for day in and day out, to the volunteer office staff who handles the phones every Tuesday, to the person who keeps the financial books organized, to the Directors on the Governing Board who direct and oversee the general direction of the entire animal welfare organization, and to the President who manages to also keep all the volunteer staff working together as a cohesive team, pointed in the right direction. In the end, it is truly heartwarming to realize that, throughout our organization, everything is done for the good of the mission.
Also on our minds are our supporters. A generous contribution was received recently from Victoria of TorC, who accesses our SCHS Spay-a-Stray program that covers the costs of sterilization of the feral cats in her neighborhood. She sent her donation in memory of her beloved fur-baby Mama Mia who was very recently killed in her own fenced backyard by two dogs running loose. What a heartbreaking story! Victoria is in our thoughts. We also sincerely thank Jon of Virginia for his on-going generosity in memory of his best friend, Lorena, a life-long member, active volunteer and supporter of the organization until she tragically passed suddenly, shortly after her 49th birthday. Gratefulness is also extended to Harold and Victoria of Connecticut who contribute in January of every year in honor of their beloved companion animal Coqui. To all who choose our little rescues when deciding upon where to give, we say: “thank-you”.

This week’s wish list: canned and dry food for our small kittens and puppies. Learn about our little rescues’ daily life on and Visit us at to learn more about us. Click on our donate button which is an easy way to make a contribution via Paypal. Our mailing address is: SCHS & Desert Haven Animal Refuge, PO BOX 638, Williamsburg, NM 87942. Together, we make a difference.
Red chihuahua dog with post envelope and icon e-male isolated


PO Box 638
Williamsburg, NM 87942

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