Desert Haven Animal Refuge continues to be bustling with activities this Spring. The sweet mama-cat we rescued from the City Shelter some weeks ago, who gave all the volunteers a surprise when it was officially confirmed at her first veterinary check-up that she was indeed pregnant, continues to do a wonderful job in mothering her five now-seven-weeks old babies. Very soon, Amber will be ready for her sterilization surgery. Then she will be available for adoption into a carefully chosen family that will appreciate having this precious young feline become an integral part of their home life. Interested in adopting this sweet little one or any of her kittens? Check out for their information at

The onset of springtime and our very recent rainfall are helping green-up our sanctuary grounds. Our dedicated team of volunteers and work campers make a point to keep the property as neat and attractive as possible as we enter this season of renewal. From the person in charge of the entire non-profit operation to the kitty cuddlers and dog walkers who interact personally with our furry little residents, everyone involved at the sanctuary is a volunteer – an important part of Desert Haven’s continued success over the years.

 Do you enjoy working with tools? We currently need someone handy who can build a wooden railing to install for safety on a short staircase leading into a mobile home on site. Interested in spending an hour or more interacting with furry little ones one or two mornings a week? Become a volunteer at Desert Haven. At this time, we can use the help of dog walkers several mornings a week. If you prefer helping out with the several facets of a retail environment, inquire about giving an hour or two of your time on Fridays or Saturdays to our non-profit Paws & Claws Thrift Shoppe.

Please continue to save your Bullocks receipts for our organization. This week’s wish list: Canned and dry kitten food – Several non-working fridges and chest freezers to be used for dog and cat food storage at Desert Haven. Contact us at, 894-1694 or 575-894-2639. Our mailing address is: SCHS & Desert Haven Animal Refuge, PO BOX 638, Williamsburg, NM 87942. Chat with us at and  Visit us at to click on our donate button if you wish to make a contribution via Paypal. Together, we make a difference. 



Red chihuahua dog with post envelope and icon e-male isolated


PO Box 638
Williamsburg, NM 87942

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